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Final Agenda for the 2020 SPOEG

January 17-19, 2020 (MLK Weekend)


January 17

Arrive and settle in. Meet at the lobby bar for late night social hour.


January 18

7:00-8:00 am

Breakfast and AV Setup

8:00-8:45 am

Update on the activities of our societies that impact our practices:

  • ASPO: Jeff Simons  

  • AAO-HNS: Jeff_Simons 

  • SENTAC: David Darrow

  • ESPO: George Zalzal 

  • AAP: Steve Sobol

  • ACS: Craig Derkay

  • AMA: Craig Derkay

8:45-10:00 am

Business Issues: Moderated by Craig Derkay

  • Patient/Provider communications: Getting it right / Using technology for appointment scheduling: improving patient satisfaction (Emily Boss/ Karin Hotchkiss)

  • Managing/preventing Burnout—Does counseling help? (Ron Eavey/Evelyn Kluka)

  • Taking care of family members/friends with ENT issues (Mike Biavati/ Earl Harley)

10:00-10:20 am

Break with exhibitors

10:20-10:40 am

Physicians talking with their wives/husbands about patients:  Where is the HIPPA line between personal and professional?  (Craig/Mark Boston)

10:40-11:15 am

Office challenges (Steve Sobol/Pam Mudd)

  1. Chronic tardiness from parents/patients (or even how to handle the late-arriving patient)

  2. Dismissing patients from your practice

  3. Parents who are rude to staff (and then often very nice to the physician)

  4. Easing the anxiety & frustration of long wait times in clinic

  5. Handling parents who “demand” a surgery that is marginally indicated (or not indicated at all).

11:15-12:15 pm

Pediatric Otolaryngology Journal Club (Presentations of one or two key articles from the past year in each field with critique)

  • What’s new in Otitis Media (Andrew Simonsen)

  • What’s new in OSA/Recurrent tonsillitis: PACU extubation safety and efficacy (Jim Thomsen)

  • What’s new in Pediatric Otology (Ken Kazahaya)

12:15-1:15 pm

Lunch with Exhibitors

1:15-1:40 pm

Managing Dysphonia among Pediatric professional singers  (Scott Rickert)

1:40-2:00 pm

Point/Counterpoint: Laryngeal reinnervation vs thyroplasty vs posterior grafts for vocal cord paralysis in children (Pam Mudd/Karen Zur)

2:00-2:20 pm

Break with Exhibitors

2:20-3:00 pm

In-office tympanostomy tubes:  Are we ready for this?  Pros and cons for you and your families, hospitals and surgi-centers. (Jim Kosko / John McClay / Frank Rimell)

3:00 - 5:30 pm

Free Time

5:30-7:00 pm

Cocktail Party sponsored by Palm Allergy

Hotel lobby bar

7 pm

Course Dinner

8:00-8:15 am

Discussion of future venues/formats/funding


January 19

7:30-8:00 am

Breakfast with AV Setup

8:15-9:30 am

Difficult /interesting cases:

  • Airway (Jeff Simons)

  • Head and neck (Lindhe Guarisco/Stuart Morganstein)

  • Otology (Brian Reilly)

  • Facial Plastics/Craniofacial (Mark Armeni)

  • Tonsils/adenoids: (Lindhe Guarisco)

  • Foreign body:  (John Carter)

9:30-10:00 am

Break with exhibitors

10:00 - 10:30am

Point/Counterpoint: Role of DISE—At initial T&A or for failures/kids with CP etc.  How best to code and  get paid? (Cristina Baldassari / Stacey Ishman)


Update on management of Airway Hemangiomas (David Darrow)

11:00 - 11:30am

What’s new in hearing amplification? BAHA, Cochlear implants for single sided deafness, OTC hearing aids (Anita Jeyakumar)

11:30-12 pm

Running two rooms:  Ethics vs Efficiency of synchronous surgery (Bill Collins)

12 noon

Adjourn until 2021

© 2021 Southern Pediatric Otolaryngology Education Group.

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