Final Agenda for the 2020 SPOEG
January 17-19, 2020 (MLK Weekend)
January 17
Arrive and settle in. Meet at the lobby bar for late night social hour.
January 18
7:00-8:00 am
Breakfast and AV Setup
8:00-8:45 am
Update on the activities of our societies that impact our practices:
ASPO: Jeff Simons
AAO-HNS: Jeff_Simons
SENTAC: David Darrow
ESPO: George Zalzal
AAP: Steve Sobol
ACS: Craig Derkay
AMA: Craig Derkay
8:45-10:00 am
Business Issues: Moderated by Craig Derkay
Patient/Provider communications: Getting it right / Using technology for appointment scheduling: improving patient satisfaction (Emily Boss/ Karin Hotchkiss)
Managing/preventing Burnout—Does counseling help? (Ron Eavey/Evelyn Kluka)
Taking care of family members/friends with ENT issues (Mike Biavati/ Earl Harley)
10:00-10:20 am
Break with exhibitors
10:20-10:40 am
Physicians talking with their wives/husbands about patients: Where is the HIPPA line between personal and professional? (Craig/Mark Boston)
10:40-11:15 am
Office challenges (Steve Sobol/Pam Mudd)
Chronic tardiness from parents/patients (or even how to handle the late-arriving patient)
Dismissing patients from your practice
Parents who are rude to staff (and then often very nice to the physician)
Easing the anxiety & frustration of long wait times in clinic
Handling parents who “demand” a surgery that is marginally indicated (or not indicated at all).
11:15-12:15 pm
Pediatric Otolaryngology Journal Club (Presentations of one or two key articles from the past year in each field with critique)
What’s new in Otitis Media (Andrew Simonsen)
What’s new in OSA/Recurrent tonsillitis: PACU extubation safety and efficacy (Jim Thomsen)
What’s new in Pediatric Otology (Ken Kazahaya)
12:15-1:15 pm
Lunch with Exhibitors
1:15-1:40 pm
Managing Dysphonia among Pediatric professional singers (Scott Rickert)
1:40-2:00 pm
Point/Counterpoint: Laryngeal reinnervation vs thyroplasty vs posterior grafts for vocal cord paralysis in children (Pam Mudd/Karen Zur)
2:00-2:20 pm
Break with Exhibitors
2:20-3:00 pm
In-office tympanostomy tubes: Are we ready for this? Pros and cons for you and your families, hospitals and surgi-centers. (Jim Kosko / John McClay / Frank Rimell)
3:00 - 5:30 pm
Free Time
5:30-7:00 pm
Cocktail Party sponsored by Palm Allergy
Hotel lobby bar
7 pm
Course Dinner
8:00-8:15 am
Discussion of future venues/formats/funding
January 19
7:30-8:00 am
Breakfast with AV Setup
8:15-9:30 am
Difficult /interesting cases:
Airway (Jeff Simons)
Head and neck (Lindhe Guarisco/Stuart Morganstein)
Otology (Brian Reilly)
Facial Plastics/Craniofacial (Mark Armeni)
Tonsils/adenoids: (Lindhe Guarisco)
Foreign body: (John Carter)
9:30-10:00 am
Break with exhibitors
10:00 - 10:30am
Point/Counterpoint: Role of DISE—At initial T&A or for failures/kids with CP etc. How best to code and get paid? (Cristina Baldassari / Stacey Ishman)
Update on management of Airway Hemangiomas (David Darrow)
11:00 - 11:30am
What’s new in hearing amplification? BAHA, Cochlear implants for single sided deafness, OTC hearing aids (Anita Jeyakumar)
11:30-12 pm
Running two rooms: Ethics vs Efficiency of synchronous surgery (Bill Collins)
12 noon
Adjourn until 2021