Final Agenda for the 2019 SPOSG
January 18-20, 2019 (MLK Weekend)
January 18
January 16
Arrive and settle in. Meet at the lobby bar for late night social hour.
Breakfast and AV Setup
Update on the activities of our societies that impact our practices:
ASPO: Bruce Maddern
AAO-HNS: Jeff Simons
SENTAC: David Darrow
AAP: Cristina Baldassari
ACS: Craig Derkay
AMA: Craig Derkay
8:45-10:00 am
Business Issues: Moderated by Craig Derkay
Brief Coding update 2019: Larry Simon
PNP/PA/RN/LPN/MA: What mixture works best in a Pediatric Otolaryngology office? Jim Thomsen and Brian Reilly
Sick leave/Vacation time/Meeting times: Institutional and practice policies for clinicians: George Zalzal, Ron Eavey, Bruce Maddern
Promotion letters: What to say and how to say it. Jeff Simons
10:00- 10:20 am
10:20 am - noon
Break with exhibitors
Pediatric Otolaryngology Journal Club (Presentations of one or two key articles from the past year in each field with critique)
What’s new in Otitis Media: Dan Wohl
What’s new in OSA/Recurrent tonsillitis: Evelyn Kluka
What’s new in Head and Neck/Pediatric Airway Jim Thomsen
What’s new in Pediatric Otology: Karen Hotchkiss
Lunch with Exhibitors
What to do about enlarged inferior turbinates Cristina Baldassari
Point/Counterpoint: Tympanoplasty techniques for small perforations/retained tubes: endoscopic vs oto-microscope John Carter/Lindhe Guarisco
January 18
3:00 - 7:00pm
8:00 - 9.30am
Point/Counterpoint: Osteo-integrated hearing ampllification vs. transcutaneous in children with maximal
conductive hearing loss (aural atresia, etc) Ken Kazahaya /Brian Reilly
New Pediatric GERD treatment guidelines: John McClay
Free Time
Course Dinner
Breakfast with AV Setup
Difficult /interesting cases
Airway: Scott Rickert
Head and neck: Tony Sheyn (skull base)
Otology: Anita Jeykumar
Rhinology: Hassan Ramadan
Craniofacial: Mark Armeni Pediatric Osteoblastoma involving the Frontal Sinus
Foreign body: Stuart Morgantstern
10:00 - 10:30am
11:00 - 11:30am
Dealing with OMFS/Dental referrals regarding OSA treatment for dento-facial issues (crowding, over-jet)David Darrow, MD, DDS
Electronic nicotine and Cannabis delivery systems (e-cigarettes) : What pediatric otolaryngologists need to know Craig Derkay and Melvin Schloss
Optimizing trach care in children: New tubes; reporting of and prevention of wound breakdowns: Steve Sobol/Emily Boss
11:30 - 12 noon
12 noon
Policies and ethics regarding simultaneous/concurrent surgeries in Pediatric Otolaryngology Bill Collins
Point/Counterpoint: Tympanoplasty techniques for small perforations/retained tubes: endoscopic vs oto-microscope John Carter/Lindhe Guarisco